Got Used Toys? What to do ...

Got Used Toys? What to do ...

(version française suivra d'ici la fin août, merci de votre patience) 
As a parent, you own toys (we all do and we have too many of them :) ); you have several options (listed from worst to best)
  • Do nothing:  please don't do this :) ... some kid would love to play these toys again and it's not good for the environment to throw them away, toys are rarely recyclable because of the materials they are made of (e.g. more sophisticated for safety reason, so harder to dismantle). 
  • Marketplaces: List yourself your used toys on marketplaces (Kijiji, Facebook ...) and handle all aspects of the transaction/communication. Some parents might want to do this and have the time; we are not here to dissuade you from this and in all transparency you might fetch a little more money in this way. Our personal experience using marketplaces: we probably bought 5 times more items than we've sold, because we don't have the same time/motivation until ... 
  • Find someone that sells your stuff: is the alternative we want to offer to parents to help them declutter their houses and get some cash (immediately, not when it sells!) In a few weeks, we will announce our process to buy toys, we want to make it simple, easy and fair: in a nutshell, you'll send us some pictures and descriptions of your toys; we will evaluate and make you an offer; if you like the offer, we will come and fetch the toys. You can also resell us the toys you've bought from our website if they are still in good condition. Stay tuned!
  • Donations: you can always donate some of your toys and if you know good charities, we would love to know about them, we are still in our early stages and we will be looking at organisations to donate a percentage of the toys. 


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